Deltoid Muscle Anatomy and Function
The deltoid muscle is the main muscle of the shoulder. A triangle-shaped muscle, it helps move your upper arm and stabilizes the shoulder joint.
The deltoid muscle is the main muscle of the shoulder. A triangle-shaped muscle, it helps move your upper arm and stabilizes the shoulder joint.
Researchers have found that condensing exercise into a few days is as effective as spreading activity out across a week.
Subacromial decompression with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair yielded a 21% risk reduction for revision compared with repair alone.
There are a number of issues that can cause shoulder pain, including osteoarthritis, rotator cuff injuries, fractures, rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory disorders, or osteonecrosis which impacts blood flow to the humerus.
Long periods of physical work involving positioning the arms over the shoulder and excessive load on the shoulders are common direct causes of shoulder pain.